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Leadership Positions

Senior Patrol Leader

Senior Patrol Leader     (SPL)
The SPL is in charge of Troop meetings, TLC meetings, and is in charge of Scouts on outings. The Scout works with the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters to ensure activities are done safely and constructively.  The Scout also delegates duties and responsibilities to other Scouts.  The SPL helps the Troop achieve its goals.

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader     (ASPL)
The ASPL assists the SPL in the execution of his or her duties and responsibilities and assumes the SPL position if the SPL is not present.

Patrol Leader

Patrol Leader     (PL)

The Patrol Leader is in charge of the Patrol and represents the Patrol at TLC meetings.  The Patrol Leader helps the Patrol plan together and learn together.  The Patrol Leader inspires the Patrol to bring out their best.  The Patrol Leader carriers out duties and responsibilities delegated by the SPL and ASPL.  The Patrol Leader finds ways to help each Patrol member make progress in Scouting.  The Patrol Leader encourages the members of the Patrol to share in the responsibilities of the Patrol.  

Assistant Patrol Leader

Assistant Patrol Leader     (APL)

The Assistant Patrol Leader assists the Patrol Leader in the execution of the duties and responsibilities and assumes the Patrol Leader position if the Patrol Leader is not present.


Quarter Master

The Quartermaster is in charge of the care and maintenance of all Troop 7’s equipment.  The Quartermaster ensures the equipment is available for each outing and that it is returned in good condition at the end of each outing.  The Quartermaster ensures that all equipment is stored in its proper place and reports all shortages to the SPL and Scoutmaster.   


The Scribe will record roll call at each meeting.  The Scribe will also take notes at the TLC meetings and give a copy to the Scoutmaster and SPL.   A copy will also be posted to the Troop, via group emails, the Troop website, and the Troop Facebook Page.  The Scribe will make the chalk board entries at the meetings.  The Scribe will also assist the Scoutmaster and SPL whenever a scribe is required. 


Troop Historian
The Troop Historian will record outings taken by Troop 7 in words and pictures.  The Historian will note date, times, and places of Troop 7 activities.  The Historian will maintain these records until they are handed over to the next Troop Historian.  The Historian will make any other historical records required by the Scoutmaster or the SPL.



The Troop Librarian will maintain Troop 7’s merit badge books and other books and records.  The Librarian will hand out books and record who has borrowed books.  The Librarian will assist Scouts in the search for Troop library information.

Chaplain's Aide

Chaplain Aide

The Chaplain Aide will give the Troop prayers and benedictions at Troop meetings and outings.  The Chaplain Aide should be an example to the Troop.

Troop Guide

Troop Guide

The Troop Guide will help to inspire Scouts to make progress in Scouting. The Troop Guide will assist Scouts in the achievement of Scouting goals.  The Troop Guide will assist the other Scout leaders in the guidance of the Scouts.  The Troop Guide will look for those Scouts that need guidance and instruction and then do his best to help. 

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